Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Chicken Soup Rule

I have been battling a nasty cold the last few days. Yesterday as I lay around the house trying to recover I decided to have some chicken and rice soup for lunch. It would be light, add to my needed fluids, and be comforting in a way that only hot soup can be. It also reminded me of The Chicken Soup Rule.

The Chicken Soup Rule goes like this: Can't Hurt, Might Help, Why Not? You always say it in your best imitation Yiddish accent, of course, trying to sound like the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof. I'm not sure, but that movie may be where I first came across the rule itself.

It is a good rule because it has so many applications. You can apply it not only to having soup when you have a cold, but to reminding your children to put on a jacket, or mittens, or comb their hair, or any number of things.

So I had the chicken soup yesterday and today I feel quite a lot better. Cause and Effect? I doubt it, but then again, who knows?

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