Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today is November 18, my dad's birthday. He would have been 88 today. He left us 51/2 years ago now on another birthday (Jonathan's). I have been at a seminar in Chicago this week, and one of the men at my table was from Luxemburg and we were chatting at a reception at the end of the first day about Europe and Switzerland came up for some reason, along with the watch industry there. Since I wear dad's watch most days that conversation reminded me of how he would never have purchased this watch for himself; it was a long service award from his work. He did eventually get accustomed to the idea of a fancy watch, though, and after not wearing it at all for the first few years he had it he eventually wore it most of the time for about 20 years. That makes it all the more valuable to me.

While I was there I was able to watch the documentary WWII in HD on the History Channel, and I find myself looking for him or his unit or the type of anti-aircraft half-track he manned whenever I watch those programs about WWII. It was on each night this week. Since I don't get the History Channel at home, that also put me in mind of dad.

I have been reading in Job recently and last night I read the famous passage in which Job comments, ' I know that my redeemer liveth...and after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes..' Dad had that same confidence, which in turn gives me confidence of a reunion with him someday.

Then today is his birthday. While I am reminded of him whenever I put on the watch, it seems that this week many things have brought him to mind. So, dad, I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you today. Happy birthday!

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