Reading the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer has given me a bit more insight into his comments about 'cheap grace' in his book The Cost of Discipleship that I did not appreciate just from reading about it in The Cost of Discipleship.
The first insight has to do with his Lutheran upbringing in Germany. Eric Metaxas, the author of Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy comments on this several times, such as this: 'After four hundred years of taking for granted that all Germans were Lutheran Christians, no one really knew what Christianity was anymore' in Germany (page174 in the paperback edition). Again in the opening of chapter 14, 'He (Bonhoeffer) had begun to see that the overemphasis on the cerebral and intellectual side of theological training had produced pastors who didn't know how to live as Christians.' Again on page 249, 'But how could one hear the voice of God, much less obey, when prayer and meditating on the Scriptures were not even being taught in German seminaries? Neither were worship and singing taught.' It is entirely possible that Bonhoeffer himself may not have been a born-again believer until after he had finished his doctorate, had served in churches, and then came to America for a time. In a letter Bonhoeffer wrote in 1936 he wrote this, '..something happened that changed and transformed my life to the present day. For the first time I discovered the Bible...I had often preached about it--but I had not yet become a Christian...Also I had never prayed or prayed only very little. For all my loneliness, I was quite pleased with myself. The Bible, and in particular the Sermon on the Mount, freed me from that.' While he never became quite comfortable with the personalized faith of the German pietists, he clearly came to see that the 'Christianity' of much of the German church was not Christianity at all but rather a mere intellectual interest for some and even less than that for most. To call this 'Christianity' was cheap indeed.
Yet there was more than that, too. There was also the way certain well-meaning evangelicals tried to convert Hitler by first appeasing him. One August Buchman, a New York evangelical pastor and leader of the Oxford Movement was a case in point. Buchman had tried to evangelize both Himmler and Hitler. Hitler, of course, claimed that it was God's Providence that was making him able to carry out his murder of the Jews, and in public often said things like his declaration in 1933 that he would make Christianity 'the basis of our collective morality' even as he was beginning to persecute the Jews and anyone supporting them. Yet Buchman would later state, 'I thank heaven for a man like Adolf Hitler, who built a front line of defense against the anti-Christ of Communism.' The ease by which Buchman was taken in by Hitler's pseudo-Christian propaganda was repulsive to those like Bonhoeffer who knew what was going on inside Germany. It cheapened the gospel enormously when it was offered up to Hitler as if it required no change, no repentance, no confrontation of the hatred that Hitler embodied.
When I first read The Cost of Discipleship I read it as an American for whom there had never been a state church in a nation that had never endured a Hitler. The free offer of salvation through grace by faith did not seem cheap to me. I did agree, though, that many who claimed to have 'accepted Christ' seemed to never have been changed by it, and that kind of grace did appear 'cheap' to me, and so I thought that was Bonhoeffer's main message. I think his message did include that, but the context of Nazi Germany also shows that it also was more than that. He objected to those who make God into a beggar to the likes of Hitler; those who grovel while putting pearls before swine and thereby make cheap that which in fact deserves the utmost respect. Hitler sought to use Christianity when it served his purpose even while killing those like Bonhoeffer who were truly Christian. To fail to recognize evil when it is before us and to make the gospel grovel before evil worldly power is to cheapen that which is beyond price. Bonhoeffer's opposition to Hitler and death as a result of that opposition embodied that view of a grace which is by no means cheap.
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